Today’s organizations face challenges in attracting and retaining the best team. In a dynamic and competitive business environment, looking after the well-being of employees and their involvement is crucial. One important part of taking care of the wellbeing of employees is appreciation at work. What is the significance and benefits of this practice? How to implement it in a given organization?
Why is employee appreciation important?
Appreciating employees is the process of giving value and meaning to their work while taking into account the emotional aspect. It is both the cognitive and emotional aspects that play a key role in shaping organizational culture. The study “People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View” highlights the importance of a supportive, inclusive and motivating culture in the workplace. This approach supports the company’s employer branding, enabling it to attract and retain talent and increase productivity by ensuring that employees are satisfied with their work and engaged with a company that cares about their well-being.
Appreciation of employees is not limited to salary or bonus awarded. It’s also a popular employee benefit, as well as a show of gratitude, appreciation and recognition of contributions to the company. It is a process that is expressed in daily gestures, words of appreciation, praise and support from managers. Therefore, it is worth remembering that appreciating employees has both a material and emotional aspect.
What are the benefits of employee appreciation?
Employee appreciation benefits both employees and employers. Research by Adam Grant and Francesco Gino shows that employees who experience gratitude from their supervisor are more productive. This phenomenon is particularly evident in companies that consistently value their personnel.
In addition, teams in which there is an atmosphere of recognition and respect between members are more effective in carrying out their tasks . Appreciation contributes to building a positive team atmosphere and alleviates employee stress, which has the effect of keeping employees engaged even in crisis situations.
What does appreciation at work give you?
68% I feel that my work is being noticed.
77% It motivates me to continue working.
58% It increases my commitment.
48% It boosts my self-esteem.
7% It enhances teamwork.
26% It’s an expression of respect towards me.
When employees feel appreciated, their sense of value and competence grows, as well as their belief in their importance to the organization. It’s part of a reciprocal social exchange, maintaining reciprocity and taking care to balance contributions with rewards.
How does appreciation affect employee wellbeing?
Wellbeing of employees is a comprehensive state of their well-being, including physical, mental and social aspects. Employee appreciation is one of the key factors in improving wellbeing in the workplace.
The People at Work 2023 survey highlights that most employees are open to talking about their physical and mental health in the workplace. Although many employees feel supported by their supervisors and co-workers on mental health issues, there is still significant room for improvement.
Supporting employees’ mental health through appreciation includes:
Increase self-esteem
Appreciation helps employees build a sense of worth, which affects their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Stress reduction
Employees who feel appreciated cope better with stress because they know they are supported by their organization.
Increase commitment
Appreciation is a driver for employee engagement, which affects their motivation to work.
Developing relationships
Appreciation fosters positive relationships among employees, which contributes to their overall wellbeing.
How to introduce a culture of appreciation in the workplace?
Employee appreciation can be introduced in an organization through various activities and strategies, such as:
Praise and recognition
Regularly expressing words of appreciation for the good performance, innovation and commitment of employees.
Prizes and bonuses
Awarding material prizes and bonuses for exceptional performance or long service.
Development programs
Investing in developing employees’ skills and offering opportunities for advancement.
Mental health support
Provide access to psychotherapy services and mental health support programs.
Provide constructive feedback to employees to help them continuously develop.
Social initiatives
Organizing events where employees can actively participate in charitable and social activities.
Appointment of mentors
Create mentoring programs in which experienced employees support younger colleagues.
The implementation of these activities should be personalized and tailored to the specifics of the organization and the needs of employees. It is also important to systematically monitor and evaluate the impact of these initiatives on the well-being of the team.
Benefits as a form of appreciation
Employee benefits are an important part of employee appreciation, both materially and emotionally. By providing various types of benefits to employees, companies express their appreciation for their efforts and commitment. One way is to use company merchandise as rewards for additional or ongoing team activities.
Company merch is not only a practical benefit, but also a tool for building a bond between a member or team member and the organization. Individuals wearing apparel with their company’s branding express team membership and proudly identify with the organization’s values and mission.
When creating merch with the company’s branding, it is additionally worth remembering to make it relevant to the needs and expectations of the team, as well as useful and visually appealing. Then we can be sure that the apparel or gadgets we receive will actually bring joy to the team and will be eagerly used by them.
It is worth remembering that employee appreciation is not a one-time effort, but a process that should be built into the organizational culture and become an integral part of human resource management. Its effectiveness comes from authenticity and continuity, not just the form of compensation or rewards. Employees feel authenticity and genuine concern from their employer, which translates into their wellbeing and loyalty to the organization.